Is it just me or was x men 3 the worst, o fine the special effects were good, but story wise i thought it ruined the whole x men franchise was just ruined by a poor storyline. Is why i have wrote a sequel to the movie, well actually its a trilogy to the movie that brings back Phoenix, Cyclops and Professor X. It's called Age of Apocalypse, That's right Apocalypse in a X men movie trilogy, it's just genius, hee hee
I mean there's the whole juggernaut thing, he was supposed to be professor's half brother, and his powers were magical not mutant so how did that dumb little kid effect him, and mystique she's shape shifter, so here's my question how did she stay all changed up unless she's into to all that. The Phoenix was a entity from outer space, supposed to protect the Shi'ar Crystal. How could they get so much errors into one movie and not be stoned. I ask you really.
So help me get my script noticed text, email, ring, harass Marvel and 20th Century Fox, and lets tell them we are not satisfied until this crappiness is undone, What was I goin on about?